Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Emperor Stripey Head (3 months tomorrow!)

Cadiem looks like a tortured child in this pic, but I swear he was grinning two seconds later. Haha. We've spent the past few days teaching Cadiem to teach himself to sleep--and it's working! YAY!! I just put him down for a nap 5 minutes ago--and he's on his way to sleepy land :) Normally, this would involve "patting and shushing" anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and a half... Which, as you can imagine, got pretty frustrating for both of us! I wish we would have tried this sooner--we just felt guilty leaving him in his room by himself while he's still awake. But he doesn't seem to mind. We just swaddle him and lay him in his crib. If he fusses or cries, we'll stick around and comfort him until he's calm again. Then he moves his head from side to side until he falls asleep. It's actually kind of entertaining to watch, haha. But he's worn a little bald stripe around his head. Hahaha. Poor baby! Hence, Emperor Stripey Head :)
We're counting down the days until we get to Arizona--I can't wait!
Eric & Nichole had another BBQ on Sunday--I probably had a little too much fun... Haha. Jeff had the day off and felt like chillin', so he and Cadiem hung out all day :) I think our Aerogarden tomato plant is going to eat us in our sleep--we had to use a kabob stick to stake the thing up. It's huge! It has a lot of tomatoes already too, I can't wait to try them. Jeff got me an anthurium plant for Mother's Day, "the love plant". Haha, but I can't responsible for the love plant's well being. I kill plants! It's amazing that my little cactus, Senor Spiney, is still alive. I found out the other day that Jeff gives him water now and then. Haha. I wish I had something more exciting to talk about! I'm boring :( Okay, time for homework!


Anonymous said...

hi Cassie glad to see you posted something new it isn't boring. When you aren't out much there is nothing to talk about. Be glad for you when you can get out at least you should just go to get grocery or take a night or two when Jeff is off and get out with your friends excited for you to come home i am watching the days my self Love Gramama

Nickie said...

He's not 3 months old til the 4th!!! I hate this baby age thing-are you going to say he's 52 weeks old on his first birthday??? I'm done with my rant :) I'll miss you guys while you're in AZ but I hope you have a great trip!!

Laura said...

So cute!

M&M + C said...

well... he's 2 months and 4 weeks? isn't that three months? jeff and i were actually pondering that yesterday...