Saturday, May 9, 2009

Baby clothes rant!

What's up with the snaps? I don't mind them on his normal clothes--but pajamas should make it really easy to change a diaper. It's hard to be stealth during the night when you have 8 snaps to open and then close again. Who thought of this? Maybe I should start designing baby clothes. I think I'd be pretty good at it! Cadiem is a bit too long for his 0-3 month PJs, so we tried some from our "next size up" pile :) And they zip! Brilliant! Except--it zips all the way to his neck... Why couldn't they do a logical mix of snaps and zips? Snap at the top, zip at the bottom. Why is that so hard? The sleep dresses aren't too bad, but you have to watch for the poo-plosion. I think they drag the diaper down or something... I'm sending a letter to Carter's!
On another note... Cadiem's hair is coming in--his old man head is disappearing :) But he has a bald stripe on one side of his head--I'm not sure how that happened! He doesn't sleep on the same side all the time--and most of the time is on his back... Hmmm...

1 comment:

mini_mull said...

Awhh, he looks so cute in his jammies. I agree they should really make pjs more accessible for diaper changing. It's just mean to have to get them all the way undressed and cold in the middle of the night. Don't worry about his hair, he's probably just rubbing it off in his sleep. It'll grow in eventually.