Tuesday, February 10, 2009

37 Weeks (Tomorrow!) AHHHH!

We're getting down to the wire people! I think Cadiem is really piling on the fat--my trips to the bathroom are definitely more frequent! I'm also feeling a little stretched. I can't believe I'll be back in normal clothes soon (yay!)--and that whole baby thing too... hahaha. When I went to the doctor's on Thursday, my doctor could feel the baby's head, he's in position! His little heartbeat was around 165 beats/min, since he was moving around, and the doctor said that's a sign of health :) The baby is mooning me as we speak--he likes to push his butt up to either side of my belly.
I am putting the finishing touches on Cadiem's room in the next couple days, I'll be posting pictures to show the final product :) Jeff has tomorrow off, and we're planning to go to Roanoke (yet again) in search of a chair. We will conquer! We got the rest of the furniture put together, along with the stroller (jeff's new love) and the swing. I'm pretty sick of assembling things--but at least it's done! I was pretty frustrated after I put the changer tray together and it didn't fit on the dresser... What the hell!? But I plan to attack it with Jeff's saw. I will make it work!
In non-baby news... ;)
Saturday Eric & Nichole had everyone over for a BBQ since the weather was so nice (and still is--yay!). We had some damn good burgers and Nichole made some tasty bruschetta that even received Jess's stamp of approval. The smoked mac&cheese from Gene & Nickie also made an appearance--yum! Can anyone tell my focus is on food?! Haha. The Crouthamels are also throwing a luau party on Valentine's day (SCAM!). How do you dress for a luau while pregnant? Anyone have ideas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A moo-moo of course! With a bright flower necklace!