Thursday, March 11, 2010

We've got steps people!! :)

Cadiem took three unassisted steps on Tuesday, he was pretty proud of himself--he had a really big grin on his face. I haven't seen him do it since then--but he's constantly standing, so I think he'll probably be walking in the next couple of days!
As you probably know, Cadiem turned one year old last Thursday, March 4th :) We had a party for him the following Saturday--and he had a great time. Cadiem got some awesome birthday presents, thank you everyone! We tried to duplicate Anita's (stepmom) shredded beef/pork for the party--and it actually came out pretty good! Although, I forgot to get spicy V8 to throw in, but used some bloody mary mix that we had--which was probably about the same. And I just realized today that I forgot to make the rice that's also Anita's recipe... Crap! I was a total spaz the day of the party. We were so lucky that Jenni could come up from Charlotte for the party--she really helped us out! I had every intention of creating a perfectly decorated cake and cupcake... But, I couldn't really think with all of the people around in the kitchen--and ended up passing the duty to Mike Speer. Haha--but he did a good job. However, I did make some ugly green icing and a monster-like cupcake... Which I think threw the baby off when we gave it to him. He didn't want any part of his cupcake! But after we helped him tear it apart and he saw Jeff and I eating it--he liked it :) We've been eating the leftovers together for the last week. Cadiem is a cake hog! He barely lets me eat any.
Last night we finally got to hang out with Wally and Hypes. The guys actually went out to the Mill to try a limited release Rogue beer--while Wally & I stayed back with some wine and cheese :)
Cadiem had his year check-up yesterday, and he is 25.5 pounds and 31 inches long. He's now slightly above the 50th percentile (whatever!). Cadiem has started to scratch and hit us when he's tired... And I think he's inherited my glare! But normally, he's happy and babbling :) Since we got our new awesome Britax car seat (thanks mom & marty!), Cadiem has been riding in the cart at the grocery rather than his infant seat. He's been gaining fans at Kroger, now that he's better able to flirt with all of the old ladies! Hahaha.
Well, I guess that's it for now! Sorry if this post is a little incoherent--I'm VERY tired... bedtime!

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