Monday, March 22, 2010

Cadiem Walking!

Cadiem has been taking several steps at a time for the past few days--and I finally managed to get some video. He's pretty proud of himself, as you can see :) He has so much personality--it cracks me up! Today we were laying around on the floor playing and he was trying to attack me and jump on my stomach. Haha--he can't really jump so he was basically just falling on me. He is really into nesting is toys right now. And he's obsessed with the pots and pans. I keep finding his sippy cup "nested" in the pots. Haha. Grandpa Shultz was in for a short visit this weekend. He and Cadiem had fun playing together. Marty was pretty appalled at how dirty the baby is--hahaha. Jeff was off on Sunday, so he got to spend a little time with Marty as well. We made a big brunch on Sunday--it was tasty :) Hopefully when Marty comes back in a few weeks, we'll be able to squeeze in a hike.
Today I was perusing in Old Navy and ran into Nichole. I said to her, "What are you doing wearing that scarf?!" She said to me, "What are you doing wearing a tanktop!?" Hahaha. I'm so excited for the warm weather to get here--that I decided to ignore that it got chilly again in the last couple of days. So I went to class today in my "flippy-floppys" (i'm on a boat!! hahaha) and short sleeves. Haha.
Jeff is off again tomorrow--and then working through the weekend (bleh!). I'm hoping that the sun will come out long enough for us to get a walk in... Maybe it will be spontaneously warm and we can go hiking :) (i'm an optimist!)
My mom will be here in about a week and so far we're planning to hit up the farmer's market in Roanoke, a winery or two, and go hiking. (there's a lot of talk of hiking in this blog!)


Jen Papaya said...

Cassie he is just too adorable. Miss you guys!

mini_mull said...

He looks like you when he makes the scrunchy nose face. :)