Saturday, September 20, 2008

M&M! Show yourself!

We got our first ultrasound on Friday, and got to see M&M, who was moving around like crazy. Jeff said, "M&M is truckin'!" (You can see the outline of M&M's head under the word "dad") We both just stared at the screen with our mouths open--it's so cool! We haven't found out the sex, but will at the next appointment which is next month. Then we get to see the 3D ultrasound which should be unreal. The doctor (who I really like--luckily) measured M&M's thigh bone and head--and M&M is actually a week ahead of schedule! Maybe my procrastination genes didn't pass on... ;) Apparently I have to pee in a cup every time I go in. Why don't they explain why? They also forgot to give me some kind of lab test, and called me to come back. And I asked what kind of lab tests and the answer was, "Oh, you know--just typical lab stuff." HUH?? So is it another pee test, blood test, how many jumping jacks can I do, what the hell kind of test?? Luckily, the book Bri got me explains everything you could possibly want to know.

Today I'm cleaning, doing laundry and homework. I'm trying to make up for yesterday because all I did was lay around and watch movies. Jeff has been gone all weekend visiting his son in D.C., but he gets back tonight :) I'm going to Nickie and Gene's later today, and taking Ari to meet their two Australian Shepherds. Hopefully they'll get along!


Anonymous said...

Sorry if I was a babbling pain in the butt last night!! The whole time we were in Vegas I couldn't get drunk to save my life then last night two drinks and I'm a mess!!! I hope I wasn't tooooo annoying and I hope the vampires didn't keep you awake!!

M&M + C said...

you're nuts nickie! and i like the vampires :)