Thursday, April 9, 2009

Friends, STAT!!

Five weeks with Cade, five weeks without friends :( But freedom is on the way! We just started Cadiem on a schedule--which is make life much easier and more predictable. Before, his feeding times were anywhere between 45 min and 2 hours apart. But now we have a routine, thanks to the "Baby Whisperer" book (i'm not joking! haha) and his eating start times are now 3 hours apart. Yay!! And the other night I had 5 hours of continuous sleep!! I haven't had more than 2 at a time since he was born! It was freakin' awesome! Of course, he did wake up during the night while I was sleeping, but Jeff took care of him :)
Also, we're trying to find the time to figure out the breast pump and bottles--and then Jeff will be taking over his latest feeding at 4am (ew!) plus when I want to be out of the house for more than two hours. Yay!!! I'm pretty excited. Not that I want to be away from the baby, but it would be nice to escape the zoo once in awhile! Yesterday I did go get our groceries... Ah, Walmart. Yes Ian, I deigned to shop at Walmart. Don't give me any crap! It's cheap--and Kroger is like 10 miles long now. If you forget to grab a few things you have to walk the length of five football fields to go back and get it! And that's if you can find it! Nickie--have you boycotted yet? Join my wagon! Haha.
Bri and Nate were here this past weekend to see the emperor, I think they were pretty excited to be back in the 'Burg. Too bad we had to stay in so much! We did try venturing out for a walk during one of the emperor's crying fits... At least he slept for part of it! We also did some beer tasting at Vintage Cellar on our way to Target--but then had to run through the store, while throwing things in the cart because the baby was screaming... Oops! Hopefully they'll be back soon and we'll get to venture out more :)


Nickie said...

We need Cassie...STAT!!! I will make plans around your/Cade's schedule-just say the word. :)

Eric said...

I second that. Let us know when we can steal you!

Unknown said...

yay for getting out of the house!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

get out cassie you have been in the house long enough. so you get our with cadiem and enjoy life again we need our busey cassie back again. i deleted my first one it had to many missed speeled words
your grama