Friday, October 31, 2008

The Witching Hour Draws Near!

In other words, Happy Halloween! How do you like Captain Jeff Sparrow's new work uniform? Yes, that's right, Captain Jeff is bartending tonight as a pirate. Hopefully he'll give a healthy "Arghhhh!" with every drink he serves. We even beaded up his goatee and put eyeliner on him.

Did I mention that I went to every store in Christiansburg to find his costume? Seriously--I found one piece at each store. Boots at Walmart, hat at K-mart (yes, i ventured into K-mart and was very afraid), jacket at Joann's, sword at Walgreen's, beads at Michael's... Are you tired yet? Because I certainly was. I had to stop at Starbuck's and Taco Bell to fuel up in-between stores. And I am extremely disappointed in my beloved Target, they were cleaned out. But, they did have a pirate costume for Ari Lynn.

My costume was quite easy to find... I'm using Nickie's idea, and I will be "Under Construction". So I'll be dressed like a cute construction worker with a toolbelt full of baby stuff (bottles, baby powder, stuffed animals, etc.) complete with a hardhat and a sign over my belly that says, of course, Under Construction. So along my search for all things piratey, Home Depot was yet another stop.

I tried dressing up the dogs--but they weren't very good subjects. Especially Luci--she sucks. Totally uncooperative! She took her costume off within a minute.
So, my pet pics suck. Oh well, I guess I should leave it to the photography master, Bri.
Okay, time to go finish up Scarface XV! He'll be evil as ever! Jeff is going to lame out and make a happy pumpkin, what's up with that? It's Halloween damnit!

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