Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Year's Resolution...

YELL LESS. Yes, it's late. But I figure it's okay, since I never make them anyway :) It usually seems so pointless. Yes, like everyone else, I'm always striving to lose that five pounds of cookies and wine. But is that really a resolution? More like an ongoing battle.
Anyway, Cadiem is totally obsessed with Thomas the train right now. He watches the show whenever possible--well, he doesn't actually watch it. More like, insists on having it on--and then goes about his business. He's in the business of lining up his cars and then moving them somewhere else, to line them up yet again... and again... and again... You get the idea! He's added a few more words to his repertoire... But it's still hard to know what he's saying most of the time. "More" is his word for "Put Thomas On NOW!" He has NO patience.

Cadiem got a lot of great toys and clothes for Christmas, thank you everyone! Among them were a play kitchen+food and a Thomas train set. And between all of the grandparents he basically has a new wardrobe! I'm pretty excited about my Kindle and Anthropologie stuff (yay!). Thanks parents! I'm always so sad to leave Arizona, it really sucks living so far from family. At least it's a quick trip to Florida... But I'll have to pay for Cadiem soon, damnit!!

Work has been great, I finally got a real email address (rather than "blacksburg support temp"), yay!! My friend Ted is back in town for the semester (I'm considering bringing him into the alliance), I'm excited to see him. Today I'm hunting TJ Maxx for more Thomas trains... Hitting up the wine tasting, and possibly finding a spot downtown to chill with my Kindle :)
Happy weekend! (They're so much better when you have a job!)


Anonymous said...

I am sorry I missed you when you were here!! We both must have been busy. And Anthropologie?? Oh, I am so jealous :-) I love that store! THat is just the type of store that you and I would have loved to go to. WHat are you reading on your Kindle now? Isn't it awesome??!!! I am kinda bookshelves are completely full and I wasn't looking forward to buying another. Miss you Miss Casita!!

Leslie said...

By the way, that was me...Leslie.