Friday, December 12, 2008

Blacksburg is a tiny tiny dot of normalcy...

(pic stolen from Bri, taken in Roanoke!)

So, last week I was in Walmart--grabbing a few groceries. I know, I know. Normally I shun all that is Walmart... But I was already in Christiansburg--and Walmart is cheap--and I'm broke! So you see the logic... Despite the inevitable headache that comes with walking into any Walmart. I was making spaghetti for my dinner guests that evening--and I was on the hunt for garlic bread in the long ass rows of freezer food. They have little signs posted for each section of food, like "veggies" and "ice cream". I probably passed the garlic bread about six times because instead of labeling the bread section as "bread", it's labeled "biscuits". That's right, biscuits. I didn't even see any biscuits in the freezer (which according to Nickie, they don't come frozen--she's from VA, so we'll take her word on that). But apparently, on the hick-side of Virginia, "biscuits" encompass the vast world of bread. So now you know what to look for, when you're not only in a Walmart (which is bad enough) but a Walmart in hicksville (obviously worse).
Okay, on to more important topics ;)
M&M is up to 2.25 pounds this week! And I think he's confused about the function of my bladder. He seems to think it's a trampoline. I had to take a second glucose test on Tuesday, for FOUR FREAKING HOURS. I also had to be there at 7am--which is pretty darn close to my bedtime, so I ended up falling dead asleep in the lab which freaked them out since they'd been stealing my blood. Haha.
Anyway, Jeff and I are going to visit his son this weekend in DC. I haven't met Jeffery yet, so I'm a little nervous!
Back to finals... Wish me luck!

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