Monday, July 6, 2009

Goodbye Sweet Poo....

Ha ha ha... We went to the doctor today so they could stick Cadiem with needles and check him out :) He's grown three inches taller, but hasn't gained much weight... So our doctor recommended that we start him on solids. We headed straight to Target after the appointment and bought Cadiem a feeding chair and some organic baby cereal :) He tried eating the cereal after breastfeeding--and you can see from his shirt that not much ended up in his mouth... Haha. Everytime I tried to stick the spoon anywhere near his mouth he stuck his hands in there... So, it will definitely be a slow transition :) I think after he gets the hang of the cereal, we'll try some avocados and sweet potatoes. I've already got a spreadsheet planning out our food schedule :)
The bad part about real food--for those of you who don't know--is the stinky poo... Breastmilk poo smells kind of sweet--it's weird, I know. Yucky poo--here we come.
In other news... Cadiem and I spent the 4th of July over at Nickie & Gene's. They made a fantastic feast--as usual! Steak, fries, corn on the cob... yummy salad... Tasty! Jeff and I also had another feast when he got home from work... chili dogs, an American classic... Haha.
Well, it's about time for Cadiem to wake up... Later!


Anonymous said...

a spreadsheet, huh? you'll make eric very proud, haha :)

M&M + C said...

haha.. yes--i also have the spreadsheet sickness... i even have one for sorority life--but bri did it first!!