Thursday, February 12, 2009

Snack Attack!

Last night Jeff and I decided to make a midnight run to Kroger... Bad idea! We ended up coming back with pizza rolls (which always remind me of the days when Bri and I would share a bottle--or two--of wine with pizza rolls:), doritos, ice cream, chips & salsa, refried beans, popcorn, coke and some magic hat for Jeff :) And we ate it ALL! Nutritious and delicious! At least we had a good dinner (lunch for us!) while we were in Roanoke at Carrabbas :) Haha.
We were also watching SNL "shorts"--and if you haven't seen "I'm on a boat"--you should check it out. It's hysterical.
I have a large scale organization planned for today... Which I'm kicking off with about 6 loads of laundry. Oh the excitement... Isn't life grand!? ;)


Unknown said...

mmmmm... pizza rolls!!!

aren't midnight grocery runs what pregnancy's all about? well... that and the whole baby thing ;)

M&M + C said...

yeah... that and mcdonalds baby cheeseburgers! 3 more weeks and the junk stops there!