Thursday, December 3, 2009

9 months old!! (well, tomorrow :)

Hola! Cadiem is 9 months old tomorrow! He's crawling like a fiend--and has started pulling himself up. He hasn't figured out how to get back down (from standing), which is pretty interesting to watch. Haha. His babbling has some added variety :) We both have also heard him say "mom". I swear! He crawls after me and says "mmmoom". I need to try and get it on video!
We had a great Thanksgiving. We went over to Jeff's boss's (Leslie) house and took part in their feast. It was very tasty--even the turkey, which I usually don't care for :) Cadiem had one of his gourmet baby food dinners--turkey & sweet pea--yum! We took his bouncer over there so he could bounce while we ate--but he wasn't having it. He ended up sitting in Jeff's lap and then of course he wanted to take part in the Thanksgiving dinner. So we let him have some sweet potato casserole and some mashed potatoes :)
Jeff went to DC this past weekend to visit Jeffery, and I spent the weekend trying to catch up on homework... We put up our tree the day before Thanksgiving, since Jeff was off. We got some retro-style LED lights that we're pretty proud of :) This is one thirsty tree. I can't remember the last time we had a real tree at my mom's--but I wasn't ever in charge of watering it anyway. Haha. I think it drinks about two quarts/day. Crazy!
Grandma Shultz just sent Cadiem a Leap Frog music table--which he really likes. He also likes using it to pull himself up :) It plays music and teaches colors, numbers, etc. Apparently she got it on some crazy lighting sale on Amazon. Haha--what's up with cyber Monday? When did this start?
Jenni and her boyfriend Garrett were here visiting us the week before Thanksgiving--we had a great time of course :) We got to go to a VT game too.
I made some stroganoff the other day--to prepare for the stroganoff-off... SNEAK ATTACK! I think it's almost perfected... I might have to up the anty and use steak instead of hamburger... Jeff has another idea--but it's a secret... ;)
Jeff has tomorrow off--which is weird, but awesome :) This is really old news--but while we were in Florida--we got a pretty funny video with pooh & tigger--can't remember if I already blogged about it or not. But it's on my pic site--It's pretty funny. Tigger is making fun of Jeff's dreads the whole time. Haha.
I am so excited to go home for Christmas. Two more weeks! YAY!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

go ahead, keep messing with the classic! the old traditions will win out!