Monday, October 26, 2009

He's on the move!

Cadiem is a crawling machine! He's also a drooling machine :) We have a drool song for him that he loves (he giggles when we sing it):
Baby is a droolin' machine!
Droolin' droolin' droolin' machine
Droolin' baby!
Today he was after Ari's bone again. He crawled from the other room to come and grab it from her. He was smiling and sticking his little tongue out the whole way--haha. It's funny that both Ari and Two seem to know that he's a baby--and they let him do whatever to them.
I was attempting to work on Cadiem's costume today... We're planning to take him trick or treating in both downtown Radford and Blacksburg. I've got it(his costume) planned out--but I went down to the cellar to get some of my sewing stuff, and the most ugly, gigantic bug was sitting right above the container I needed. I was planning a quick grab and dash--when it jumped toward me--I have no idea what that thing was--needless to say, I ran screaming up the stairs... Jeff will have to get it for me!! I will not be returning to the cellar!! Anyway, we're going to be a pirate family. Yup! Haha. Jeff and I both already have pirate costumes--so we figured it would be pretty convenient. I think Nickie & Gene are also having a thing at their house on Halloween--so I'm looking forward to that too :)
Nickie, Gene, Eric and Nichole came over for dinner on Saturday--Cadiem was in a little bit of a mood--but we all had a good time :) The house is also pretty presentable on the bottom floor... The upstairs is another story... Haha. But I'm hoping to make another dent in that tomorrow afternoon while Jeff is still home.
Did I mention that Cadiem has totally switched his schedule?? He's been getting up between 8 and 9am. AHHHH!! So, we're still trying to shift our bedtime earlier, but have been taking naps trying to catch up on sleep. Tomorrow Cadiem is trying cheese--exciting stuff!! In a few days some veggie pasta, and we also got some turkey and chicken baby food :) Well, I guess that's about it for now!

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