I don't even know where to begin!! I spend so much time chasing Cadiem around that I spend every night playing catch-up... Which basically involves trying to clean up the house, laundry, cooking dinner--all within a couple of hours... Obviously, it does not all get done. Just like tonight, I have two large baskets of laundry to do... A painting I was going to start... I was going to give the dog a bath... Get the guest room ready for Bri & Nate... Meh. Whatever! Here I sit, watching Glee and sipping a glass of wine. Ahhhhhhhh... Sometimes you just need a little ME time!! ;)
Cadiem and I went to TJ Maxx tonight to peruse--and discovered a kiddie/parent hang out. It was a little scary. There were kids everywhere! We made it out alive--and miraculously without buying anything.
We had a great time in Orlando. We went to Epcott and Typhoon Lagoon. Cadiem really liked the water park. At first, he screamed when we tried to put him into the wave pool... But, eventually he was splashing around :) Epcott was having a flower festival--they had flower sculptures everywhere of Disney characters. My mom made us pose in front of several if you check out the pics on Bri's site... Hahaha. Cadiem had a lot of fun being around everyone. Each morning that we were there he would run out of the room looking for them. But we were always the first ones up--haha.
Bri and Nate will be here in two weeks!! Yay!! Jeff is taking a couple of days off while they're here--yay!! And then the week after that we're going to the beach for a week--woohoo! Jeff's plan is to do absolutely nothing. Haha--poor guy! He worked a ton over graduation, and it doesn't seem to have slowed down much. I plan on taking a large stack of books to the beach, and becoming more mexi-skin.
I guess that's it! Here are a few recent pics:

This is before the heat got to us...

Cadiem LOVED the aquarium :)

Bri and I beating the heat with some refreshments :)