"That ain't no Etch-A-Sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did, Homeskillet." (Juno)
Friday, December 10, 2010
"Clearly, Pandora thinks you are a sap."
Bri said this to me the other day, after I told her that Pandora was playing Phil Collins on my Pete Yorn station. I was excited that Pandora knows me so well! And it was not a sappy eighties love song, it was "In the Air Tonight"... CLEARLY, not a sappy song, BRI!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I had a wonderful time at the Ivey's for Thanksgiving (and Christmas!). We at a lot of yummy food, I even put on a few pounds. I think it may have been all the crazy cheese we were eating.

Nate's nephew Ross was in a trombone concert in Pittsburgh, which luckily turned out to be indoors. It was a stage full of all trombones playing Christmas music. It was really cool!
I did really miss Cadiem, but it was also kind of nice to have a bit of a vacation, without diapers ;)
Cadiem spent his first "overnight visit" with Jeff yesterday. Not that they haven't been spending time together previously, but Jeff now has everything set up and was able to have him overnight. He is also going to have him this Saturday. Weird! Me, alone on Saturday night? I might get into trouble! It's weird to not have Cadiem here, but I guess I have to get used to it! I am really glad that Jeff got his place set up. We are getting along well, but he's been at my house with Cadiem while I wasn't home... I was getting annoyed coming home to a million lights on! Ugh!
I had a bunch of people over Saturday night for dinner and to get help decorating my tree. Luckily, Eric was happy to put the lights on the tree. Which saved me from being a crazy-freaky-perfectionist. I have this thing about the cords not showing--which of course isn't even possible to do... So, it DRIVES ME CRAZY!! Thanks to Nickie and Mary for bringing desserts... Addictive cranberry bliss bars and yummy apple pie (respectively :). And Sean for his beer creations! Which I have not been able to sample yet, but maybe tomorrow :)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Ch-ch-ch-changes! Turn and face the strain?
So, I always thought that David Bowie was saying "Turn and face the strange"... Turns out it's "strain". I think he may want to re-do that. It makes much more sense my way!
Well, if you haven't heard, Jeff and I decided to part ways. It's for the best. Luckily, it was an amicable "break-up", which makes it a lot easier when dealing with Cadiem issues. I moved into a townhouse a few doors down from our house and Jeff is living in a house a few blocks away. Conveniently close, but not too close! :)
started my new job at Draper Aden Associates a few weeks ago. I'm really liking it there--the people I work with are all really nice. Cadiem started daycare at the same time, and he's doing really well. He cries when I drop him off sometimes, but I've gotten better at making a stealthy exit! He's usually pretty happy when I pick him up--and usually mid-play. I'm sure it's a lot more fun than sitting at home with me all day! Last week we found out that our daycare is going to close due to low enrollment. But luckily they've decided to keep it open for another six months, so hopefully we'll have time to find an alternative.
Cadiem is talking a lot, we just can't understand him! He has gotten pretty good at saying "ball", "car", "dog", "more"(food!)... He constantly says "uh oh!" and makes a pretty hysterical face at the same time. "Bye Bye" and waving are also new.
Jeff has Cadiem over Thangsiving and they're going to visit Jeffery. I haven't been away from Cadiem for more than a day--so I'm going to miss him! But I'm headed to PA to have Thanksgiving with Nate's family--so at least I'll have Bri and Nate to console me :) And probably a lot of Thanksgiving+Christmas cocktails (they're doing Christmas too!). I'm also excited to take my new (new to me!) car (another honda civic) on it's first roadtrip. It was delivered to my work last week, but I don't have the title yet, or plates/registration... So, it's still sitting there :( But, hopefully that will be remedied tomorrow!
Well, I guess that's about it! Pretty sad little blurb considering the amount of news and time since my last post! I'll try to be better ;)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
McDonald's is the Devil!
Cadiem and I went to the gymnastics gym again yesterday with Wally & Marin. They had a giant blow-up slide, which Cadiem was pretty excited about. He loves that place!
I am still on the job hunt... I'm really hoping for a job at Tech. I went to the temp agency yesterday, so maybe something will come out of that. Jeff is still working his three jobs--that sucks! I got a letter from my little brother Austin--who is in Marine bootcamp. Apparently it sucks and the food is terrible. Go figure! Haha.
Mary is coming over tonight for some wine, nintendo and I'm thinking some taco salad would be tasty. Does it get any better than that!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Two Things:
One: Aren't onesies awesome? I wish I could wander around in a onesie. What if we all did? We'd look like a bunch of big babies... hahaha
Two: Cadiem's new favorite pastime is ripping the keys off of my computer. I have been searching for my control and caps lock keys for the last hour... I was just finishing my coffee--and found them, in the bottom of my coffee mug! Grrrr!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Cadiem is a climbing machine!
17.5 Months! Cadiem started climbing a few days ago. His new favorite thing is to climb onto the ottoman in the playroom with a book and his sippy cup. As you can see from the above picture, with his favorite book: "If you give a pig a pancake". Which is probably one of my least favorite! Haha. He also has been going up the stairs himself, but hasn't quite figured out the going down part. He has also figured out how to open the pantry (from underneath since he can't reach the handle!) which is full of two of his favorite things, food and cleaning supplies. He's still obsessed with the swiffer! Now if only he'd learn to talk! He does imitate things we say, but you'd never know what he's saying out of context. 
Jeff and I have both been on the job hunt. He now has three! Hahaha. Always so ambitious! I've applied to several at tech, so hopefully I'll snag one of them.
We had a visit last week from my grandma plus three of my great aunts and a great uncle. I haven't seen the extended family in several years--so it was great to see them and I'm glad they got to finally meet Cadiem :) My mom also visited prior to that, and Cadiem now recognizes her voice over the phone. After she left, he would hear her on the phone and point to the guest room.
I turned the big 31 a few weeks ago. We had Wally and Mary over (ian you suck!) and grilled up some yummy Spanish brined pork tenderloin followed by lots o wine. Surprised? Haha. Tomorrow it's Mary's turn, so we're having a few people over.
I guess that's about it! I hear a child crying upstairs... :)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
We are really excited about our beach trip! Leslie and I met up at Vintage Cellar today to hit up the close-out and stock up for our trip :) Leslie was pretty funny--she's not a big wine drinker, but I got her to try most of the whites. She pretty much shouted "I hate this!" for most of them. Hahahaha. I don't know how we're going to fit everything for the beach in the car. We're even borrowing a clamshell to put on the roof. There's so much baby stuff!
Jeff might have some changes at work happening--for the better. And we find out soon--yay! He's off (again--weird!) on Sunday and we're headed to a bbq at the Crouthamel's and then another one at the Hypes'. I love summer!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Cadiem and I went to TJ Maxx tonight to peruse--and discovered a kiddie/parent hang out. It was a little scary. There were kids everywhere! We made it out alive--and miraculously without buying anything.
We had a great time in Orlando. We went to Epcott and Typhoon Lagoon. Cadiem really liked the water park. At first, he screamed when we tried to put him into the wave pool... But, eventually he was splashing around :) Epcott was having a flower festival--they had flower sculptures everywhere of Disney characters. My mom made us pose in front of several if you check out the pics on Bri's site... Hahaha. Cadiem had a lot of fun being around everyone. Each morning that we were there he would run out of the room looking for them. But we were always the first ones up--haha.
Bri and Nate will be here in two weeks!! Yay!! Jeff is taking a couple of days off while they're here--yay!! And then the week after that we're going to the beach for a week--woohoo! Jeff's plan is to do absolutely nothing. Haha--poor guy! He worked a ton over graduation, and it doesn't seem to have slowed down much. I plan on taking a large stack of books to the beach, and becoming more mexi-skin.
I guess that's it! Here are a few recent pics:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Emperor Strikes Back!
Cadiem has been an awful whiny-mcwhinerson today... Which in the last hour I've had to strike back with a glass of wine. Whiner + wine = whiner + selective-listening-mommy. Don't judge! Luckily, we were able to leave the house earlier thanks to our new wheels :) Kroger & Target baby, yeah! Does it get more exciting than that? I always seem to run into lots of people at Kroger, which is fun--we all have to eat I guess! :)
Tonight we're having chicken curry, which I haven't made in awhile, so I'm pretty excited about it. Kroger finally started carrying nan--which is more expensive than Oasis, but saves me a trip. Jeff is working in the kitchen today, and even though he'll come home smelling like a chicken wing--at least he'll be home early :)
This weekend Jeff miraculously had a Saturday off, so Sean brought a case of his home brews over. Jeff and I also decided to make grilled shrimp and Napa cabbage slaw at the last minute--which made a gigantic mess of our poor kitchen--but it all turned out pretty tasty :) Then we all headed off for a Thai dinner downtown, which was also tasty :) I had the chicken panang--which was all panang and no chicken... but luckily I like the curry sauce more than anything.
That's it for now... Time to tend to the whiny one... I think it might be bathtime!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
R.I.P. Jeep!
Yes, the jeep has been put down... It was time... :) It needs about $2500 worth of repairs--so, obviously it's not worth fixing. But we did get our Honda fixed and also found a new car--which we love :) We got a great deal on a 2002 Nissan Xterra. It's a manual which I prefer and it's supercharged--woohoo! It's really high up--which is different for me. I can't believe I forgot to talk about our new car in my last post! Anyway, it is so nice to not be stuck in the house while Jeff's at work--yay!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Handy Hippie
Over Easter weekend, while my mom was visiting, our washer decided to stop working. It kept flashing error messages that it couldn't drain. We thought it was the house drain since our tub wasn't draining right either, so maintenance came out and unclogged the drain... And the washer still didn't work... but the tub drains now! Anyway, we read up on the internet about drain issues with our washer--and it turns out there's a tiny little basket inside the rubber "boot" that goes from the washer tub/drum to the pump. A couple weeks prior--I washed Ari's dog bed--and all of the polyester fibers came out... Well, apparently tons of them went through the drain and clogged the stupid little basket! We also found fifty cents and a bobby pin. Anyway, Jeff had to go through the bottom and back panels to get to all of the hoses and clamps. Then we actually had to go buy different clamps because the damn things are impossible to get back on. It's got to be about the worst design EVER. I'm thinking they made it that way so you pretty much have to call a repairman and pay them $200. But, we have the handy hippie to save the day :)
We had a great time while my mom was here. We managed to squeeze quite a bit in. We went shopping, hiking, ate out several times... It always goes too fast! But, Cadiem and I are headed to Orlando at the end of the month while my mom is there (and now Marty too!)--so we'll see her soon :)
We found a little gas grill on craigslist for really cheap--and we're loving it! We're putting our Bobby Flay book to good use :) Jeff made the most amazing grilled shrimp I've ever eaten--which was actually a combination of recipes since we didn't have everything for either recipe. We also had some turkey burgers stuffed with brie and topped with arugula and grilled apples. Tasty-licious!
Cadiem had his first playdate with Marin last night :) We went out to our second home (rivermill!) and hung out with the other Jeff, Taub and Sean. We met up with Wally, Hypes and Marin and then all came back to our house so the babies could play :) It was so cute! Cadiem stole Marin's sippy cup full of apple juice and drained it. She retaliated by taking his sippy full of milk. Hahaha.
In the above pic, Cadiem is busy picking around his macaroni and cheese. He refused to even try it! But at least he ate his peas and carrots :)
How does 2am come so quick? bedtime!
Monday, March 29, 2010
A feast in the land of no wine...
Cadiem was eating (not really) some red potato fries in the above pic--that he decided to smear all over his head rather than eat. I think they were a little too adult for him since they were flavored with parmesan and garlic... But Jeff and I ate them for lunch today and they were yummy!
We are having a feast tonight, which I just finished "prepping" :) Jeff isn't home yet, but usually I like to pre-prepare when we're having dinner this late. I actually used some recipes (kind of)--usually I just wing it! So, compliments of Bobby Flay, we're having pork chops marinated in Spanish paprika, orange and ginger... Which I tried making last year--but used the wrong paprika--and it wasn't that great. This time, I used the right one--and, I think I forgot to add salt last time (the recipe doesn't call for it) but it definitely needs it! Anyway--I think it's going to be pretty tasty, especially with my additions (mine is HOT!). I also stole Bobby's dill potato salad recipe... Although, mine has extra ingredients, less potatoes, and no smoked salmon (yuck!!), uh, or capers. Mainly the extra ingredients are due to my failing to cut them down according to how many potatoes I used... My 6 compared to his 20... Haha--oops! Wow, my run-on sentences are fantastic! I actually only decided to make it because I thought it just required boiling potatoes and throwing on the sour cream (or... greek yogurt ;) dill sauce... Nope... I also had to throw a bunch of stuff in with the potatoes: parsley, green onions, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, more dill... Pain in the ass! Well, not really, just more time than I wanted to invest. We're also having some lemon asparagus which I may or may not wrap in oh-so-healthy bacon. I've been pretty lazy with my cooking lately, making stuff that's really quick and easy. But something about the nearing warm weather puts me back in the mood :) I was a little sad though tonight, we're wine-less. I like to drink wine while I cook, but I had to settle for a Young's Chocolate Stout that's been in the fridge forever. Not a bad compromise :)
Anyway, tomorrow I will be cleaning ALL DAY LONG in preparation for my mom's visit :) She gets in Wednesday--and Jeff got the day off (YAY!) so we're going to tour around downtown Roanoke and check out the farmer's market and a couple places Nickie suggested.
This past Saturday was Eric's birthday. Happy 28th Eric!! :) A pretty large group of us went to Taaza in Roanoke and it was damn tasty. Unfortunately, I got pulled over on the way home (my lights weren't all the way on--ugh!) and my license happened to be suspended (go figure)... Which I'm guessing is due to an unpaid parking ticket--who knows! But the police officer was really nice and I was rescued by my friends. Thank-you Gene, Nickie, Eric and Nichole!!
Okay, I'm off to the shabath... (It's a bath... but it's a shower... all at the same time... ;)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Cadiem Walking!
Cadiem has been taking several steps at a time for the past few days--and I finally managed to get some video. He's pretty proud of himself, as you can see :) He has so much personality--it cracks me up! Today we were laying around on the floor playing and he was trying to attack me and jump on my stomach. Haha--he can't really jump so he was basically just falling on me. He is really into nesting is toys right now. And he's obsessed with the pots and pans. I keep finding his sippy cup "nested" in the pots. Haha. Grandpa Shultz was in for a short visit this weekend. He and Cadiem had fun playing together. Marty was pretty appalled at how dirty the baby is--hahaha. Jeff was off on Sunday, so he got to spend a little time with Marty as well. We made a big brunch on Sunday--it was tasty :) Hopefully when Marty comes back in a few weeks, we'll be able to squeeze in a hike.
Today I was perusing in Old Navy and ran into Nichole. I said to her, "What are you doing wearing that scarf?!" She said to me, "What are you doing wearing a tanktop!?" Hahaha. I'm so excited for the warm weather to get here--that I decided to ignore that it got chilly again in the last couple of days. So I went to class today in my "flippy-floppys" (i'm on a boat!! hahaha) and short sleeves. Haha.
Jeff is off again tomorrow--and then working through the weekend (bleh!). I'm hoping that the sun will come out long enough for us to get a walk in... Maybe it will be spontaneously warm and we can go hiking :) (i'm an optimist!)
My mom will be here in about a week and so far we're planning to hit up the farmer's market in Roanoke, a winery or two, and go hiking. (there's a lot of talk of hiking in this blog!)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I love spring!!
Yesterday I hung out with Mary for St. Patrick's day... Instead of scary green drinks we tried out some chocolate red wine--which was pretty tasty! Also had yet another cheese plate... I think I have a cheese problem!
Cadiem has started refusing food unless it is not intended for him... And then he wants it. Today I made him a grilled cheese--which he knew was for him--and then refused to eat it. I managed to shove a piece in his mouth when he was turned the other direction. After spitting it out and trying it a few more times, he decided he loved it--and wolfed down the rest of it :) He tried sweet potato fries yesterday and pasta with marinara sauce--both of which he loves as well. Every time I get the cheese out of the fridge--he gets a riled up--he LOVES cheese. He'll even eat my super sharp Vermont cheddar.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Oh Eddie Vedder...

Photo by Timothy Norris
I am IN LOVE with the new Pearl Jam song... I am about to download it so I can play it over and over ALL DAY LONG :) It's such a pretty song--and a love song at that! I'm a sucker for music with strings or piano--it can bring on the waterworks (it's the strings in this one). I've always been a fan of Pearl Jam, ever since "Jeremy", one of my all time favorites. "Jeremy" always reminds me of freshman tennis in high school, and riding to games in our crappy school van... Ahhh, memories. But going back to Pearl Jam--I also really did like Vitology. And Pearl Jam is responsible (and you thought it was my bad driving! okay, maybe) for my two-toned del sol. Yup. I was on my way to their concert in Phoenix, in the rain, and rear ended someone on the freeway. Oddly, the person I hit took off and my car was forever maimed. James, if you're reading this, you probably remember wanting to call the cops! Whatever! :)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
No scratching, no hitting, no biting!!
Jeff had the day off yesterday (weird!), but we didn't do much. Cadiem didn't sleep much--which means neither did we... So we spent half the day catching up on sleep. We did make it to the wine tasting at Vintage Cellar--which was tasty :) We (or... me) also made a feast for dinner, including a gigantic cheese plate with some bread... One of the cheeses we had was marbled with porter--it was pretty good!
Friday, (CHILD BITING MY LEG RIGHT NOW!!) Ian and I went to the beer tasting (yes, they know us at Vintage Cellar) and then met up with everyone else at the Cellar for dinner. Cadiem had a good time flirting with Sam and throwing his food everywhere.
Grandpa Shultz is coming to visit next weekend since he'll be in DC on business. Cadiem is excited :) My mom will also be visiting over Easter. YAY! We love visitors :)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
We've got steps people!! :)
As you probably know, Cadiem turned one year old last Thursday, March 4th :) We had a party for him the following Saturday--and he had a great time. Cadiem got some awesome birthday presents, thank you everyone! We tried to duplicate Anita's (stepmom) shredded beef/pork for the party--and it actually came out pretty good! Although, I forgot to get spicy V8 to throw in, but used some bloody mary mix that we had--which was probably about the same. And I just realized today that I forgot to make the rice that's also Anita's recipe... Crap! I was a total spaz the day of the party. We were so lucky that Jenni could come up from Charlotte for the party--she really helped us out! I had every intention of creating a perfectly decorated cake and cupcake... But, I couldn't really think with all of the people around in the kitchen--and ended up passing the duty to Mike Speer. Haha--but he did a good job. However, I did make some ugly green icing and a monster-like cupcake... Which I think threw the baby off when we gave it to him. He didn't want any part of his cupcake! But after we helped him tear it apart and he saw Jeff and I eating it--he liked it :) We've been eating the leftovers together for the last week. Cadiem is a cake hog! He barely lets me eat any.
Last night we finally got to hang out with Wally and Hypes. The guys actually went out to the Mill to try a limited release Rogue beer--while Wally & I stayed back with some wine and cheese :)
Cadiem had his year check-up yesterday, and he is 25.5 pounds and 31 inches long. He's now slightly above the 50th percentile (whatever!). Cadiem has started to scratch and hit us when he's tired... And I think he's inherited my glare! But normally, he's happy and babbling :) Since we got our new awesome Britax car seat (thanks mom & marty!), Cadiem has been riding in the cart at the grocery rather than his infant seat. He's been gaining fans at Kroger, now that he's better able to flirt with all of the old ladies! Hahaha.
Well, I guess that's it for now! Sorry if this post is a little incoherent--I'm VERY tired... bedtime!
Friday, January 15, 2010
10.1.5... I'm a mom???
We had a great time in Arizona--we were busy busy busy!! We saw all of the family and Jeff and I got to go out on our second date (yup!). Our goal was to go out dancing--which we managed to do, and even hit up my favorite wine bar afterward :)
*Do not ever sit down on the couch pre-dinner with a box of Thin-Crisp Triscuits!!*
Cadiem got a lot of great presents--which really helps us out--thank you family!! It was also great to see my cousin Tara--I think it had been at least two years--and lots of quality time with the gg's, parents plus Bri and Nate :)
*Just got the Triscuits today and there's about 1/3 box left...*
Cadiem's first birthday is coming up quick!! We're planning to have a party for him in combination with a house warming--which we haven't had the opportunity to have yet. (jenni & garrett--come visit!!) After that, I think we're going to have a few visitors... Mom, Marty, Bri and Nate--yay!! And we actually have a place for them to sleep!
Jeff has been working like crazy... What else is new!? He should be getting home at a semi-decent hour tonight though--so at least we'll get to see each other for a bit :) I think that's about it for current news... Seems a little short for a month or more of not blogging!! oh well... I will try to be better!! There are also a few new pics on the pic link... :)
ahhhhh... I almost forgot to explain my title!! "I'm a mom"...
Sometimes, it's shocking to me that I'm a mother! WOW!
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