Cadiem is 6 months old today! (Friday) He's making more and more sounds, and this past week he's added pppbbbt! I think he's getting close to crawling. He's definitely scooting around--and he's an expert at the ninja roll :) He's also expanded his food repertoire... We've added more fruits and veggies--and I think I'm probably going to start giving him yogurt as well.

We had a great time while Mom and Bri were here. We got to check out the Valhalla winery, which was a nice change from the usual Chateau Morrisette trip. We also went to dinner at the brewery in Radford... The name of it is escaping me right now... But we liked it--good beer and food :) Bri got some great pictures of Cadiem--which will be posted soon. Jeff and I still need to decide which ones we like so she can edit them. My mom was itching to buy Cadiem something--so she got Cadiem an awesome jumper/entertainer thingy. Do they have an actual name? Anyway, he's not quite tall enough yet--his feet barely touch the ground--but he likes it :)
School is back in... Football is starting tomorrow I think (boo!), and of course that means that Jeff is working like crazy (double boo!). Anyway, that's about all my news... I can't believe it's been so long since I blogged!