As you can see, Nickie went all out for the baby shower. Even though I'd never been to one before now (don't laugh!), I'm going to have to say, best baby shower ever--hands down! We had blood orange mimosas, punch with
bourbon & vodka, goat cheese stuffed figs with
prosciutto, several types of
paninis, tasty cheese tarts, an array of olives (even though Nickie hates them!), fantastic chocolate cake, the list goes on! Needless to say--we were all stuffed. Nickie told us we weren't allowed to leave until the alcohol was gone--I think we (they!) came pretty close ;)
We ended up staying for quite awhile--and even made it to round two on the food!

We played a couple of fun games too--one of them involving everyone getting cute little blue clothespins. If you said "baby", the person who caught you got to take one of your clothespins. So we were all trying to trick each other into saying the magic word. Mom was probably the worst (sorry Mom!) since she had to keep explaining to all of us about the baby stuff--
haha. We also played a baby gift bingo game. Which probably helped entertain people while I SLOWLY opened my gifts ;) I can't help it--I like to prolong the suspense! Jenni, Nichole, Mom,
Bri & I ended up staying until around 10pm--longest baby shower in history! I think we can blame the
Wii Fit, check out the pic below of my mom:

We had a damn good time :)
I want to thank Nickie (& Gene!) for throwing me such a great baby shower! I can't even imagine how much time went into planning, decorating and creating all of those tasty masterpieces!
Also thanks to my mom and sister for flying in, and Jenni for driving up from Charlotte--even while mid-move :) I'm glad you guys were here!