Right now, (in the pic) I'm thinking that Austin has a major cootie problem. Ha ha, a rare pic of the Monteverdes from our trip to visit Bri & Nate this past summer :)
What does this pic have to do with M&M's 27th week? Absolutely nothing! But this week he's a 2 lb, 14.5" head of cauliflower, which makes for a really lame picture.
ANYWAY--M&M is busy perfecting his lungs this week, and apparently he could survive on life support at this point. Crazy! Last week his ears developed further--so he can hear us now. I probably just scared the crap out of him by yelling at Ari for chasing the cat. Oops! I'm trying to stop Mom!
Clothes have become an issue! I was laughing at the sweaters I got out of my stored winter stuff--there is no way in hell they're going to fit. Not on this belly! But I found some cute stuff at TJ Maxx in the juniors, believe it or not. And I've been wearing leggings--me. Weird! But they're comfy with the longer sweaters/shirts and look cute with boots :)
In other news... Jenni & I had a great time while she was here a couple weeks ago. We ate at the Cellar, did a little wine tasting, visited Jeff at work and even watched the Tech game. We also got to hang out with Eric & Nichole one night. Jenni got a new car, a mini convertible--it's so cute!
Thanksgiving at the Rivermill was cool--there was a TON of food. I think we only got through about 1/4 of it! Okay, we're almost up to current news :) I will be better about blogging!
Jeff and I have been playing Scrabble recently--and it's really different playing with him. I'm used to being super competitive about points and rules, etc. He's definitely more laid back than others... (NATE!) And doesn't bitch when I take 20 minutes to put a word down :) It will be interesting to play with the Scrabble king and queen at Christmas! (Bri and Nate;)
Nickie, Gene, Eric & Nichole came over for dinner Thursday--and Jeff was actually off work :) Today I got to hang out with Ian & Ethan at Sharkey's in Radford for happy hour, which was fun. And Jeff was bartending, so he kind of got to hang out too. Sharkey's was celebrating 75 years since the end of prohibition today, so they bartenders were dressed in 1930's gear--Jeff was dressed like an old school gangster in a zoot suit :)