M&M is 23 weeks old, and the size of a large mango.
Sidenote: Did you know mangoes are the most popular fruit in the world! They are full of vitamins C, A and E--plus niacin, potassium and iron. That's one awesome piece of fruit!
Back to M&M: He weighs a little bit over a pound, and apparently he's turning my uterus into a crazy nightclub. He moves mostly at night, Jeff can feel his kicks now too :)
I definitely have a protruding belly now--but I'm still feeling pretty normal. Although, I'm a little retarded at times, which I'm attributing to my shrinking brain. Yeah, pregnancy causes your brain to shrink! Seriously! And once you pop out the kid, it expands again. Weird. Pregnancy also causes shrinking eyeballs (thank god i don't wear contacts) and gingivitis! I could go on--but the gingivitis scares the crap out of me. I've been a flossing fool! I also started using Jeff's high powered toothbrush--it gets a smiley face on it when you brush for long enough.
Jeff and I both voted yesterday evening and then headed downtown to
Rivermill to hang out with friends and watch the polls on the big screen (we're TV-less losers!). It was pretty exciting because most people in the bar were Obama supporters (go figure) as well, and everyone went nuts when Virginia went democrat.
Yay! Now we don't have to leave the country! (We were planning to escape to an warm island or small European country if McCain won)
Tomorrow is Jeff's day off, a real day off! No four hour meetings in the middle of the day--
yay! We're going to go hiking with the evil mutts and then do some REALLY late pumpkin carving.
Haha. Three pumpkins still await their fate. Scarface XV will live again!!