Yup, M&M is a boy :) Now what to name him!? I have like 30 girl names, and 1 boy name... Oops!! So obviously I'm starting a new spreadsheet--and so far have 2 names on it. We need ideas people! And then, I think I'll either post the spreadsheet on google--or take votes over the blog... So far, we've come up with
Caden (or
haha) Rey
Mangold. Which would be my initials and middle name :)

Now I can peruse Target and drool over the cute baby boy stuff. We went straight there after our ultrasound appointment yesterday and got M&M a Classic Pooh "Pram Bag". What the hell is a Pram Bag? We just thought it looked cozy and liked the ears on the little
hoodie, but were very confused about the slits on the front and back... Jeff asked a "Target Team Member"--she laughed at us, and said it was for the
seatbelt to go through...
Ohhhhhh, that makes sense! I'm clueless!
So even though I was hoping for a girl--I'm happy about having a boy--there's pros and cons to both :) And now I can put dinosaur crap everywhere which would have been a little weird for a girl, even though I've always loved them!
In other news... Jeff got a promotion--which will be more
responsibility of course, and dealing with stupid employee drama/crap--but in the next month or so should hopefully develop into more bar shifts, and less overall time at work.
Yay! He was making spreadsheets this morning to prepare for his meeting today to get training records organized. I keep telling him he's the industrial engineer for bars/restaurants! Yesterday he was talking about cutting down on process steps and walk times... So many parallels!
Anyway--even though he has a meeting which cuts about 4 hours out of the day (
i'm not complaining!), it's his day off... We wanted to go hiking today--but it's flurrying outside!
If you haven't seen pics of M&M's latest ultrasound, check out the following link: