Friday, November 13, 2009

Poo Plosion... 2009...

Yup... Another poo story. Today, Cadiem was having a great time in his bouncer and I picked him up to take him upstairs... and he was wet... and not from pee!! The poop had managed to make it all the way down his leg and into the foot of his jammies. It was SO disgusting! Then I had to basically wash the jammies before I could put them into the washer. Nasty, dirty baby!! Oddly, his poo still doesn't smell that bad. Although--the other day he ate beef--and that was pretty gross. Okay, now that we're all disgusted!! Hahaha...
Cadiem is crawling like a fiend--he looks like he's in the army, on a mission... A mission to find and "destroy" (EAT) every thing he sees :) He's doing really well with his finger foods, and he'll be trying tofu this week :) yum yum!
Grandpa Shultz is coming to visit this weekend! Cadiem is excited--I can tell :) I think we're probably just going to hang out at home, probably make it to Sharkey's, and probably Gene & Nickie's... He's making a pretty quick trip in between business trips.
So, last week, Verizon decided to "accidentally" shut off our internet service. You would think that it would be a pretty easy fix. Flip a switch to turn it back on, right? Wrong! After spending several days/hours on the phone, and both Jeff & I getting disconnected, transferred... blah blah blah... They also told us three times the problem was resolved when nothing had been done. Finally, we got someone who knew what the hell she was doing--and even knocked $10/month off of our bill! Woohoo!

STROGANOFF-OFF... When Bri and I lived together, she would make us beef stroganoff once in awhile. And I've called her a few times to get the recipe or have her list off ingredients to me while I'm at the grocery. Well, a few months ago, I forgot (yes Bri, it is possible) the mushroom soup--and didn't realize it was missing when I made the stroganoff. But I did notice that it didn't taste right, so I added Dijon, wine, flour and worcestershire. And I've made it several times since then without the mushroom soup, still not realizing that it was missing (also started using the fatty sour cream--haha). Well, apparently Bri finds this unacceptable and claims that I have desecrated the "family recipe". Umm... family recipe with CAMPBELL's soup??!!! Maybe if our last name was Campbell... But, it isn't bri... It isn't... Anyway, we're now planning to have a face-off at Christmas while we're both home--and having everyone taste test to see which one is better. Bri thinks mine must suck since it's missing the holy mushroom soup... We shall see BIZ!!